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Jarritos made its mark as the brand "not from around here," but now we kind of think it is, along with millions of Latino millennials. The best way to show what the US and Mexico have in common is to start a rivalry about their differences.



Interactive Bus Stop

Using Airdrop to send the Lotería game to those waiting near the bus stop.



Lotería Microsite

The largest game of online Lotería between, you guessed it, Mexico and the US. The land where Jarritos came from, and where it’s landed.

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Why yes, I did hand illustrate all of those Lotería Cards….below are some of my favorites :)

In-Store Display

A little something for those that can’t roll their Rs. An audio recording of the double ‘R’ in Jarritos being pronounced, for as long as the wheel keeps spinning.


Art direction & Illustration: Harper Barth

Copywriting: Kylie Ruffino, Daniela Torres Wong

Animations: Daniela Torres Wong

Industrial Design: Benny Goldberg